Workaround for broken links So sorry for
the inconvenience. I've been working AT A SUBGLACIAL PACE on migrating the lessons. For now, any time you see the url,
substitute this: . This will work on the Lessons index page too. If you get an error screen,
look at the page url in the browser search bar. In front of the backslash for the page, type in the link above, and this will
take you there. Best! LD.
Magic url. The link below take you anywhere you need to go on the site : ) Just type in the page url after it in browser
search bar.
Sneak peek, new format. Friends - I've finished one posting in the new format. Since I'm more
of a writer than a techie, I have felt I needed a format that didn't require domain renewal, etc. So the main HQ for the new
site is a free Blogger spot. Links there will take you to a listing on the self-publishing site, I felt it was better
to keep the lessons available to people for a nominal fee, rather than risk losing them to subscription/domain/url expiry.
Once you get to the listing on Lulu, you can click on a Preview button under the 'cover' jpg and see partial pages. I have
uploaded as a pdf, since most people access edocs thru ipads, kindles and other tablets. Feel free to write in with your feedback!
The sets posted here represent a basic 3 year Canadian curriculum written by LD McKenzie, with an alternate set of workshops
for all three years, giving a total of 6 years. With a few new lessons added - when the spirit moves!
For tons more info on the Workshop Rotation Model of Sunday school, go to
Monday July 28, 2014 00:37
All original text © 2004 - 2014, LD McKenzie
For a brief site ed's bio, click here:
Components of these lesson sets may be used for non-profit educational purposes, citing this author and site.